The walls of illusion crumble. Truth is but an unhealthy idee fixe, a will-o’-the-wisp we cling to, and the incredible energy invested in its quest only calls attention to the “terrible and questionable character of existence.”
Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise by Gustave Dore
The Hebrew scriptures detail the creation of human beings and their relationship with the Creator. The first people, Adam and Eve committed an indiscretion that cursed the entire species a life filled with toil, pain and sorrow. Continue reading Null and Void
One day in heaven, the philosopher was walking with God, waxing philosophical. God: Everything you ever wanted is here. Philosopher: Everything? Do you mean the Truth, too? God: Why, yes. If its true, its in the Book of the Truth. Philosopher: What’s that? God: Come follow me.
They walk towards the Official Library of Heaven, where all the books that have ever existed, or will exist, are located. In the center there’s a tall podium with the biggest book ever lying atop of it, and open. The golden letters are printed in type 6 font, new roman times style, on the finest paper.
God: Every single truth is in this book. Philosopher: Indeed? All true sentences? God: But of course. I am essentially omniscient and I also know this to be true. That’s also in there! Philosopher:Au contraire, mon deux. God: What? Philosopher: I can think of at least one true sentence that cannot be in there. God: Surely thou jest! Philosopher: Not at all, your eminence. God: Alright, what is this sentence? I warn you it cannot be meaningless. I am wise to the art of sophistry!
The philosopher takes a piece of a paper and writes “This statement is not in the Book of Truth.” God’s eyes bulge, and He begins to stammer.
Philosopher: Is this sentence in there? If so the book contains a falsehood. If not, then the book does not have all true sentences. Therefore it is not the Book of Truth. God: Oh, dear. I hadn’t thought of that. I should have never made that Cretean….